Jessica Anderson


Jessica Anderson

Principal's Bio

If I was given only one word to describe both the reason I am so passionate about this position and why I am uniquely qualified for it, I would choose the word community. In my teaching experience, I have witnessed the importance of fostering community within a school’s environment and more importantly, how to develop it.

Prior to my three years teaching in Owosso Public Schools, I cultivated my skill set and love for education while teaching in Houston County, Georgia. The school community in Georgia provided me several challenging roles that broadened my knowledge base and gave me invaluable experience. Educating at the second, third, fourth, and fifth grade levels, in addition to teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) allowed me to utilize my talents while serving the needs of the school district at the time. The flexibility I demonstrated benefited not only the school system, but my personal maturation as well. I would not be the versatile, energetic and positive teacher that I am today, had I not taken these opportunities to serve and learn from the community I was a part of.

Community is also what brought me back to teach at Emerson Elementary. I grew up in the Emerson School District and walked to school with my best friend as an Emerson Eagle daily. Fast forward several years, and as a homeowner in the district, I find myself making the very same walk on occasion. My love for learning was fostered in the very classrooms that I now work to inspire future leaders. I get to educate the next generation of Trojans every day.

Being a principal is not just about administration, it is about developing relationships, promoting connectivity with high level of communication and engagement, and fostering personal accountability, while promoting growth. I am blessed and honored to lead Emerson Elementary School and cultivate these elements, working to foster a community of faculty, students, parents and staff that truly thrive.